If you're done with the lack of energy, the cravings, the crashes, and weight loss resistance...


Here's why your efforts in the past to feel your best haven’t worked (even though you tried so hard):

Most people who are struggling with their health face one major (hidden) obstacle that always keeps them stuck in a cycle of going all in to make changes and ending up back where they started.

What is it?

Well before I tell you, let me ask you a quick question:

Which of these apply to you?

➡️ You're waking up feeling like you have no energy or you're experiencing energy crashes throughout the day. You end up relying on caffeine or sugar to power through...

➡️ You aren't sleeping well at night. You either can't fall asleep or stay asleep, and you're waking up feeling exhausted no matter what.

➡️ You're hungry every few hours and experience cravings for sugar and carbs, maybe feeling like you have no self control.

➡️ You're experiencing mood irregularities like irritability, anxiety and depression, or feel spacey and brain fogged.

➡️ You have hormonal imbalances like adrenal fatigue, PCOS, PMS, PMDD, or anything else.

➡️ Your doctor has expressed concerns about insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease...

➡️ You're tired of trying new diets and being on the restrict and binge cycle without experiencing results...

If you answered yes to any of these then...

You're a sugar burner!

Did you know that your body was designed to burn BOTH fat & sugar for fuel?

The problem is, your body can lose the ability to burn fat over time due to modern diets and lifestyle habits.

The modern way of eating leads to blood sugar spikes and crashes (which blocks your body from being able to burn fat for energy!)

When you are a sugar burner & can't easily burn fat for fuel, your body will be dependent on carbs & sugar to give you energy.

Your blood sugar regulation controls the way you feel at every moment of every day, both mentally and physically.

 Your blood sugar levels affect every single cell, organ, and physiological process in your body, affecting your energy levels, your cravings, your stress levels, your hormones, and more...

 Your blood sugar levels have a HUGE impact on your long term health, setting you up for success or failure.

The reason you haven't reached your health goals is NOT due to your lack of control!

If you related to any of the symptoms listed above, chances are you are like more than 88% of the US population - you may have blood sugar imbalances and lack “metabolic flexibility”.

Your body may be stuck in a “sugar burning only” mode because you’ve lost the ability to efficiently burn fat for fuel.

The problem is, when your body runs out of sugar, instead of metabolically switching over to burning stored body fat for energy, it instead perceives that it's running out of fuel!

This can make you feel tired, irritable, hangry, anxious, dizzy, headachy, and of course.. hormonally hardwires your body to crave sugar and carbs!

That's because what your body is experiencing is an ENERGY CRISIS and it's looking for FAST energy - as sugar and carbs can give you that spike in blood sugar and energy the fastest.

Being a constant sugar burner also prevents you from fat loss, keeping you dependent on carbs and sugar and keeping you stuck on the blood sugar rollercoaster!

Being a sugar-burner is what's causing all these unwanted symptoms!

So how can we fix this? The key 🔑is becoming metabolically flexible!

Meaning your body learns how to become a fat burner!

  • Sugar burners need to eat every few hours to keep up their energy levels when they're crashing.
  • Sugar burners white knuckle their cravings for carbs, sugar, and starches.
  • Sugar burners may experience weight loss resistance or may be gaining weight no matter what they try.
  • Sugar burners may get headaches, feel shaky, dizzy, irritable or anxious if a meal is delayed.
  • Sugar burners experience urgent and intense hunger - feeling HANGRY and irritable.
  • Sugar burners have trouble falling asleep, waking up in the night with a sugar crash, and wake up feeling exhausted no matter how much sleep they had.
  • Sugar burners may also experience mood irregularities like anxiety, depression, and other neurological symptoms like brain fog.

Compared to someone that's metabolically flexible and can burn fat for fuel...

  • Fat burners do not experience energy crashes.
  • Fat burners have the ability to lose weight.
  • Fat burners feel fine if a meal is delayed.
  • Fat burners stay fuller for longer after meals.
  • Fat burners experience better sleep and wake up feeling well rested.
  • Fat burners experience mood stability and a sharp mind.
  • Fat burners are not victims to sugar and carb cravings and eat well rounded meals, without restrictions.

But learning to become a Fat-Burner on Your Own may be HARDER THAN YOU THINK!

If you're like so many clients that come to me, you might feel like: 

You're feeling completely overwhelmed by all the conflicting health information out there and find it hard to know who to listen to.

You know that without a supportive community and accountability, you might find implementing new health habits challenging.

You don't want to start and stop another diet and you're over restrictive approaches! Life is short!

Maybe you have had some progress but it has since stalled and now you’re left wondering what to do next.

So where do you go from here??

How do you actually master your blood sugar to start feeling your best again?


METABOLIC RESET METHOD isn’t an ordinary meal plan or online course like others you may have taken.

It’s a complete transformational process that will take you step by step from a struggling sugar burner to a metabolically flexible fabulous fat-burner through implementing simple habits!

It includes...

10 Step by Step Self-Paced Phases packed with actionable content that gives you the tools and habits needed to start making changes and feeling better asap.

1 LIVE ONE ON ON breakthrough coaching call with me where you get individualized and personalized support, clarity and the answers you need!

Access to Supportive Community: a Private Facebook Community with other women on the same journey as you where you can get love, support & accountability.

Tons of BONUS meal plans & recipe guides such as: Meal plans, Blood sugar friendly breakfast guide, Smoothie E-book, Quick & easy dinners, On-the-go lunches, and more

Tons of helpful resources & downloads such as: Shopping Lists, Handouts, Journaling Exercises, Quizzes, Produce Guides, Movement Calendars and other helpful downloadable resources

And so much more!

If you're feeling overwhelmed with all the advice and information about how and when to eat for lasting health and wellness, especially when it comes to stabilizing your blood sugar and turning on your metabolic fire - then this course is for you!

A Step by Step Approach Makes All the Difference

Each phase in METABOLIC RESET METHOD contains video lessons, weekly habits and downloadable guides and resources specifically created to move you forward in balancing your blood sugar & helping you become metabolically flexible. This comprehensive step by step approach goes WAY beyond what you've tried in the past!

This course includes...

10 Engaging Phases [$1,150 value]

6+ Hours of Video Lessons [$895 value]

6 Metabolic Flexibility Meal Plans [$570 value]

Private One on One call with Jenna [$235 value]

Bonus Recipe Books [$200 value]

Grocery Shopping Made Easy [$100 value]

Ready in 15 Minutes Busy Parent Dinner Guide [$100 value]

Be Social & Feel Great Restaurant Guide [$50]

The 5 Minute Morning Smoothie Guide [$50 value]

The Fat Fuelled Breakfast Guide [$50 value]

Supplement Guide to Nourishing your Stress Response [$30 value]

Your Guide to Getting Enough Protein [$25 value]

The Ultimate Guide to Snacking [$25 value]


Course workbook + journal

Personality test

How flexible is your metabolism quiz

Weekly protein tracker

Electrolytes & mineral drink recipes

Produce & pesticides guide

Weekly planner

Cycle syncing movement guide

+ A Private Facebook Community

 And more!

Total value: $3,480

Get it today for $1,197

Phase 1: What to Expect!

In the first phase, you're welcomed into the course with open arms. You learn what to expect and how to measure your progress. We work on re-programming diet mentality You take a personality test to determine how to approach this course in a way that fits your personality best so you can get the most out of this journey.

Phase 2: Behind the Scenes of Your Metabolism

This phase uncovers the truth behind your metabolic health and how to optimize it. We uncover signs and symptoms that determine how well your metabolism is thriving. You learn how to make sure you're eating enough for your own body's needs, and how to eat in a way that optimizes your digestion so you can maximize the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Phase 3: Become Fat Fuelled

Take the quiz to find out how metabolically flexible you are! You learn the difference between being a sugar burner and a fat burner, and how to become metabolically flexible. I introduce you to a light structured way of eating and we focus on mastering one meal of the day - breakfast.

Phase 4: The Magical Tool of Blood Sugar Balance

Now that your body has become metabolically flexible and is burning fat as fuel through breakfast, what do you eat for lunch, dinner and snacks? What kinds of carbohydrates are best and when should you have them? This phase teaches you how to structure your meals and snacks in a way that prioritizes protein, fibre and fat. You also learn how to eat the food you love in a way that minimizes blood sugar and insulin spikes to support your metabolism. I give you sample meal plans, grocery lists, and more.

Phase 5: The Real MVP of Your Metabolism: Protein

Protein is the MVP of metabolic health. You learn what a protein deficiency looks like and how much protein you should be eating for your own individual body's needs. I give you a protein tracker and guide and teach you everything you need to know to optimize your metabolism. Eating the right amount of protein is the key to turning up your metabolic fire while keeping you full for hours.

Phase 6: Is Stress Sabotaging Your Results?

Stress is a metabolic killer, but you can't avoid all types of stress in life. This phase is all about making your body more resilient to stress. Did you know food can also increase or decrease your stress response? I teach you how to eat in a way that minimizes cortisol spikes by keeping your blood sugar stable and give you a guide to stress relieving supplements.

Phase 7: The Most Overlooked Area of Your Health: Sleep

Sleep is the most overlooked area of metabolic health. If you are not getting enough sleep, you're affecting your insulin, cortisol, melatonin and more. These hormones are crucial to your blood sugar balance and have a huge impact on your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up feeling good. In this phase, you learn how to implement sleep habits and reconnect with your body's natural circadian rhythm. I teach you how to fuel your sleep in a way that supports your metabolic health.

Phase 8: Reducing / Eliminating Your Body's Toxins

In this phase, I teach you what's happening in the secret life of the liver and how you can optimize your liver health to send your metabolism soaring. You will learn how to support your body's natural detoxification pathways. I teach you the 4 major sources where toxins and chemicals may be entering your body and the 3 step process to eliminating and excreting toxins from the body. Find out if your household products, skincare products and cosmetics are affecting your health and how to make cleaner swaps that your liver will love.

Phase 9: Learn to Move Smarter, Not Harder

You'll learn how to fuel your body post exercise to maximize recovery and protect muscle mass, while exercising in a way that minimizes cortisol and excess stress hormones. I'll teach you how to move in a way that's synchronized with your menstrual cycles and your natural ebbs and flow of your energy levels to best support your metabolic health. I provide a sample exercise schedule, exercise suggestions and more.

Phase 10: Living the Lifestyle

At this point in the course, you've made huge progress towards becoming metabolically flexible and becoming a blood sugar balanced fat burner! In the final phase, you'll learn all my tips and tricks to transform the habits you learned into a lifestyle that will stick with you for years and decades beyond completing this course.

Example Curriculum

  Phase 1 - What to Expect!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 2 - Behind the Scenes of Your Metabolism
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 3 - Become Fat Fuelled
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 4 - The Magical Tool of Blood Sugar Balance
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 5 - The Real MVP of Your Metabolism: Protein
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 6 - Is Stress Sabotaging Your Results?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 7 - The Most Overlooked Area of Your Health: Sleep
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 8 - Reducing / Eliminating Toxins
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 9 - Learn to Move Smarter, Not Harder
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 10 - Living the Lifestyle
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Why you NEED to focus on Blood Sugar Balance:

Over time, continuous spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels can progress into major health consequences if not addressed...

Currently over 88% of the adult population in the United States is metabolically unhealthy.

According to the CDC in 2022:

More than 37 million people in the United States have diabetes, and 1 in 5 of them don’t know they have it.

96 million US adults (more than 1 in 3) have PRE-diabetes and more than 8 in 10 of them don’t know they have it.

In the last 20 years, the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has more than doubled.

But blood sugar imbalances don't just contribute to type 2 diabetes, they also contribute to:

Hormonal imbalances / Infertility

Heart Disease


Some forms of Cancer

And more

So are you ready to STOP dieting and START balancing?

Stop wasting your precious time with strategies that don’t address the root cause of your symptoms, stop the restrict and binge dieting cycle hoping this time it will work, and instead implement a step by step method that teaches you how to balance your blood sugar, become metabolically flexible, and still eat the food you love in a non-diet approach?

This is for you!

Choose a Pricing Option

Hey, I'm Jenna.

My mission in life is to help women feel good. Because when women feel good, they can do anything. They are unstoppable!

I am just like you. I wanted to feel better but had no idea where to start. I spent years thinking I was supporting my body through nutrition, only to realize that what I thought was "a healthy standard way of eating" turned out to create major blood sugar imbalances in my body, contributing to a hormonal imbalance and leading to a diagnosis of PCOS. Years of my own health struggles led to countless diet trials and errors which sparked my journey to study nutrition in depth and stabilize the blood sugar and hormonal imbalances I created through food, by ditching the diets! I developed a method to become metabolically flexible in a way that still allows me to eat the food I love.

I believe in helping your body re-learn how to work FOR you by eating in a way that gives your body all the raw materials it needs to thrive. I live for encouraging and leading others to transform their health story by getting back to the roots of nutrition. I’m not only your nutritionist, but your biggest supporter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When does the course start and finish?

A: The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

Q: Is this course intended for all genders?

A: This course was created with females in mind as we dive into topics such as eating in a way that supports ovulation, exercising in sync with menstrual cycles and more. However, the majority of the information, content and principles apply to all genders and age groups.

Q: Is it suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

A: Yes! I provide sample meal plans for both those who consume animal products and those who prefer a plant based diet. I discuss both throughout this course.

Q: How long does it take to complete this course?

A: There are 10 phases in the course. You can take the course at whatever pace is best for you, although I designed the course with one phase per week in mind. In the first phase I provide a fun personality test to discover how to approach this course best based on your personality. The minimum amount of time you’ll need to complete this course is about 6 hours, spread out over 10 weeks ideally.

Q: What kind of results can I expect?

A: You will get out of this course what you put into it. The results you can expect depend entirely on your commitment and willingness to implement the habits I teach you throughout this course. Check out the testimonials above to read past client's successes.

Q: Will this course help me lose weight?

A: Yes, weight loss often comes with resetting your metabolic health through balancing your blood sugar and becoming metabolically flexible. However, I want you to focus on feeling good first. If we can get you back into a place of feeling your best and feeling more energized, weight loss can often happen naturally as a side effect. This course will help you nourish your body from the inside out. Again, results vary and what you put into this course is what you’ll get out of it.

Q: Do I have to track my food intake while I go through this course?

A: Absolutely not! This course is intended to make nutrition as simple as possible with a little light structure. This means there’s no calorie counting, macro counting, weighing food, etc. If you’re going to count anything, I want you to count how many days you're waking up feeling your best!

Q: Is this course for someone with an eating disorder?

A: This program does not substitute eating disorder treatment nor is for someone who feels they may have an active eating disorder. This program does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. For eating disorder information and referrals, visit nedic.ca if you live in Canada, nationaleatingdisorders.org if you live in the USA, or your own national Eating Disorder Association.

Q: How long do I have access to the course?

A: How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. I do suggest downloading the PDF handouts onto your device. You are also automatically grandfathered into having access to the newest version and updates.

Q: Do you offer refunds?

A: I want to make sure this course is the right fit for you! Because once you purchase - it is yours for life! So here is the deal: You get access to the course immediately after purchase. Check out the course and go through the first phase. If it’s not the right fit for you, send us an email at [email protected] within 48 hours of your purchase and we will process your refund. (You will lose access to the course once the refund has been processed.) After 48 hours of purchase, the course is no longer refundable. 

More questions? Email us at [email protected]!